Learn The Lingo Or…. ;D

Hi Everyone,

I always want to learn the lingo, the jargon; you know the language of an industry. If I meet someone who is in, or was in, an industry that interests me, (and few don’t), I want to know how they talk. If I’ve been in that industry and the language has changed, I want to know that too. It’s happened a few times. When it does I say, “Oh, is that how they say it/call it now? When I did that X# of years ago, it was….”

Unlike some people, I appreciate being corrected. How else am I going to learn? If you read my blog, Being Right, then you would know what I mean. Here is the link if you want to read or reread it, http://arebelsrant.com/being-right/

This need to know doesn’t stop with industry lingo. If I am speaking with my favourite aunt, or my favourite cousin or a member of his family I appreciate it when they correct my Hungarian or suggest a better way to say something. And I tell them that. I usually say something like, “Oh, okay. Now I get it. Thank you for helping me/sharing that with me. I really appreciate it. You can do that anytime by the way.”  

Every time I don’t pronounce something properly, I am happy when they correct me. If the word is completely foreign to me (pun fully intended) then I may repeat it or ask them to repeat it. Sometimes they sound out words for me and wait for my reply. This is a huge help. I mean like really, the only person who wants to sound like an idiot, is an idiot.

Now here is the rub. If someone in an industry doesn’t use their lingo properly, I immediately stop hearing what they are saying. All I want to do is correct them. Being right is for other people. And other people may lose their trust, confidence in them if it doesn’t sound like they know what they are talking about. I know I do and have countless times. If someone is trying to “sell” me something and they don’t know the lingo, then I go. Literally.   

The deeper rub is that if I have known them for a while and try to help them by correcting them they get a funny look on their face. In my head I am thinking, “Explain, say, do whatever you want. Keep that look on your face while you’re at it. But if I stopped believing you because that is NO WHERE NEAR the CORRECT WORD, other people are doing that too. I’m just trying to help you help yourself.”

Simply knowing, wanting and being open to know the lingo, the jargon, the language separates the professionals from the amateurs. That says a lot. People like curious, interesting people who want to learn, grow. It’s okay to not know one or more things provided you want to know by asking questions.

There’s a book by Larry Winget titled, People Are Idiots and I Can Prove It. I blogged about it twice. The second time was on Friday December 7, 2012. The title of the book is the title of that blog. If you want to read it, here’s the link,  http://arebelsrant.com/book-people-are-idiots-and-i-can-prove-it/

The first time was on Tuesday December 4, 2012 and the title of that blog is, Opposite?  ;D (Here’s the link, http://arebelsrant.com/opposite-d/ )

If you are questioning if this is a rant, well, it is.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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