“…Respect Your Elders….”

Hi Everyone,

Most of my blogs include a saying or two from other people. Today’s blog is going to have a saying that I created. Just for the record, not a lot of people like it. This is why.

Because sayings have been a big part of my life, I started to make a few up. One is part of the title of this blog, and as I already mentioned, not everyone likes it. The saying is, “You should only respect your elders, if they are worth respecting.” Now I have repeated this saying in varying tones to people who may or may not deserve my respect. When someone older than me, you know an elder, has TOLD me to respect them just because they are older yet haven’t given me or anyone for that matter even a remote reason to respect them, I’ve said that saying using a firm, strong tone. That generally stops them in their tracks because they realize that being older doesn’t always warrant being respected. Part of me wants to believe that they have also know people who are or were older than them, who they had to respect even though those one or more people weren’t worth respecting either.

This blog has been on my mind for a few days and I was going to blog about it next week. However, since a HUGE global child pornography ring was shut down on Thursday, I thought I should blog about this as soon as possible. The reason is that a lot of parents, who may or may not always tell their children to, “Respect their elders,” might infer it. Children are told or conditioned to respect their teachers, doctors, nurses, law enforcement, volunteers, priests and pastors, when really those same children should be speaking to their parents or someone they trust because the above people aren’t worth respecting and should be reported.

I just want everyone to know that children listen and pay attention to what is happening in their varying environments. If a child believes that they are to respect an elder when they really shouldn’t, the child will because they are made to believe that. So there’s your head’s up parents, guardians and caregivers. Watch how your child behaves and be very careful of who you and your children respect. Not everyone is worth respecting, elders included. Now the question of the day is, are you worth respecting? If not, what are you going to do about it?

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant!

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