“…The Supposed Sane People….”

Hi Everyone,

The title to today’s blog is part of a sentence that I’ve been saying and/or thinking about a lot lately. The sentence takes many forms like, “Oh, you’ve been speaking to the supposed sane people again,” or “Were you speaking to the supposed sane people again?” Those are just two examples of the many ways the sentence changes because like, “the supposed sane people” the circumstances vary. This is what I mean.

I knew a woman who REALLY wanted one of her granddaughters to be named a certain name. Unfortunately no one liked the name enough to name their daughter(s), her granddaughters, that name but two of her granddaughters, from her son, have names beginning with the same letter. After a few years, this grandmother, who regularly watched her two granddaughters for free, began to secretly address one of them by her favorite name; you know the one no one likes. When the mother discovered what her mother-in-law was doing, the mother paid someone else to watch her daughters. Does the grandmother know why she doesn’t watch her granddaughters without parental supervision? Yes, but she won’t tell anyone. What she will tell people is how hurt she is because she doesn’t see her granddaughters freely.

Another woman I knew already had two boys but REALLY wanted a girl. Even though her husband didn’t want any more children, she used every one of her feminine wiles to convince him to have, “just one more.” After much persuasion on her part, she was once again pregnant. Nine months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy who she treated like a girl for a large part of his life. Did other people notice that she treated her last born son like a girl? Absolutely, but few say anything because when they did, she simply bulldozed/bullied them, so everyone sat back and silently watched from the sidelines of life. After all, she made anyone who commented feel as if they were insane.

Keeping a clean house is important to most people. I understand that. Some houses have cleaner floors than most hospitals. That is partly because those floors get washed more often than those in hospitals. Let’s face it; some people go to extremes because the people they live with already know what they are dealing with so they would rather remain silent. Speaking their minds means sticking out their necks and when you are dealing with someone with a sharp tongue, your neck could be very easily be sliced open. But what do you say to someone who decides to wash the sidewalk in the middle of the winter? Nothing if you want to maintain your sanity. You just hope the neighbours saw how they tended to the sidewalk and can figure out what you’re really dealing with behind closed doors.

I’ve always LOVED my given name, Anna. For years, I would get upset and/or angry when someone addressed me as Ann(e). Since I knew that people pushed my “name” button, when they chose to do that, because it is a decision, I stopped letting it bother me with all but a few people who I’ve known for years. Now if someone decides to address me as Ann(e) when they formerly addressed me as Anna, I know I am dealing with a WHOLE new level of sanity, or, INSANITY. Let’s face it, it takes a SPECIAL kind of SANITY to purposely try to fuck with someone’s head.

Those are just some of my examples of, “the supposed sane people,” but trust me I have SO MANY MORE!!! All I do is watch how people behave and scratch the surface of their lives to discover who they truly are.  “The supposed sane people,” are insane and if you aren’t careful, they’ll drive you crazy! Tomorrow’s blog will be a real eye-opener as to what can happen, if we allow, ”the supposed sane people” to get to us.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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