The Canadian Judicial Council

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday when my telephone rang long distance I thought it would be a telemarketer calling about having my air ducts cleaned. Honestly, I really didn’t want to answer it, but I’m just one of those people who believe that the telephone rings for a reason, meaning that I should answer it. I was pleasantly surprised. This is what I mean.

Instead of a telemarketer, the person calling was someone from the Canadian Judicial Council. I believe it was the secretary’s voice because I have left her messages and spoken to her a few times too. Anyway, she said that someone is looking in my complaint and/or file. When I asked who that someone is she simply told me that it was The Executive and that they should be finished reviewing my file in 2 to 3 weeks!

Okay so I received that phone call on Monday October 28, 2013. Two weeks from that date would be Monday November 11, 2013 which is Remembrance Day, meaning it is a holiday for government employees so that brings us to Tuesday November 12, 2013. Three weeks would be Monday November 18 or Tuesday November 19, 2013, if we allow one day for the holiday. Since my Settlement Conference and Trial Management are both on Friday November 8, 2013, it will be a bit late but at least someone is looking into my complaint and/or file.

To tell you the truth, someone SHOULD be looking into and I am glad that it is The Executive, or least that is what I have been told. And yes, I am trusting that the person who called wasn’t lying to me, so I do have some level of trust left in me, be it microscopic! The COURTS have let me down so many times I’m a little surprised that I trust anyone at all!

I mean really, I TRUSTED Judge M. A. Scott to protect my daughter and myself. I TRUSTED HER to fully review all of my daughter’s father’s financial statements, the FACTS, you know the DNA of our justice system, before she decided to SLASH the child support from $306.30 per month to $150 per month. My daughter’s father “claimed” he was unemployed at that time but that is still up for debate. What no one can dispute is that he, himself, “solemnly declared” that he had $1,892 in AFTER TAX expenses, not including child support and he was living in his parents’ basement!

What do I think is going to happen? I don’t know. BUT I do not believe that my daughter and I should have been placed in that situation AT ALL!!! That one decision not only DRASTICALLY affected our standard of living it was also the beginning of my daughter’s father’s blameworthy conduct! And let’s face it he got away with his outrageous expenses because of one judges’ decision!

If that judge had enough sense to graduate grade eight, graduate high school, apply to and get accepted into law school, pass her bar, apply for a position within the province of Ontario as a Crown Attorney, work a X# of years to prove herself enough to be recommended by one or more of her superiors to become a judge, she, in my opinion, should have had enough sense to at the VERY LEAST, partially review the information before her before she decided to make her life financially altering decision.

As a taxpayer, I’m glad that someone is looking into my case and/or file, but as a taxpayer, whose daughter and herself have SUFFERED to the financial tune of at least $26,000 because of one judges’ decision, I feel RIPPED OFF!!! My daughter and I should not have had that happen. I just wonder who else has suffered at the hands of (then) Judge M. A. Scott or another judges’ decision, because I don’t believe my daughter and I are alone.

If anyone is wondering, I did think about “protecting” then Judge M. A. Scott a former provincial judge, now a federal judge, but then I thought, in my experience, she NEVER protected my daughter and myself, so why should I offer her, or her superiors, that kindness. It’s not my fault she made her life-altering decision. That fault belongs to her and her superiors.

As usual, I am curious if, justice will be done and if justice will be seen to be done because if the law is the boss of all judges, someone either needs to have a chat with their boss or their boss needs to have a chat with them!

I am still going to trust that everything will work out though. Who knows, if I can get some justice in this and the other legal matters in my life, I may actually begin to trust our justice system, as UNJUST as it has been to my daughter and me!

Here is a link to my past blog which again, has links to other blogs, (the blog Media Attention Anyone has a pile of links)

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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