“Justice Must Be Done and….”

Hi Everyone,

The title of this blog is the first half of a legal saying. It is, “Justice must be done and justice must be seen to be done.” That means that any Canadian citizen can sit in any open court at any time, depending on the available space and watch how judges conduct (handle) the information presented before them before they make a life-altering decision.

You know “watch” is such a funny word. According to my Oxford dictionary, watch is defined as, 1) “to look at, to keep one’s eyes fixed on, to keep under observation. 2) to be on the alert, to take heed, watch for the right moment.” That brings me to my next point.

Now that the vast majority of us have the Internet, we can, “watch,” observe, be alert to and take heed to as many situations as we like. As long as we have power and access to the Internet we can follow any story provided it’s online. My story is online and it will be for as long as we the Internet. That means two things. My story, like so many others, is not going away and neither am I.

For anyone who doesn’t already know, I am seeking retroactive child support with interest as per the Court of Justice Act. My “black-hole of litigation” began in 1996 when my daughters’ father requested a reduction in child support claiming that he was unemployed. Although he never did prove that, a judge, who I believe did not review the financial statements he “solemnly declared,” which is the equivalent of taking an oath, you know swearing on the bible, that he had ABSOULTELY no income while living in his parents basement slashed the child support from $306.30 per month to $150 per month.

I am of the opinion that had the judge questioned some of my daughters’ father’s MANY questionable expenses she would have saw that something was amiss. All of the evidence was before her but I guess she had her blinders on. Or as I like to say, maybe her brain was at a standstill or worse in REVERSE! I mean really how could she allow a “supposedly” unemployed person in 1996 to have $1,892 in after tax expenses?

You know that one UNEDUCATED decision, because how else is anyone going to explain THAT, took more than $26,000 out of my daughter’s standard of living! I am serious. Who knows what other money her father may have owed her, and profited off of her back. Because that’s what happened and there’s no other way of explaining that one either! Justice CLEARLY was not done!!! I wasn’t the only person who saw that!

The above judge made what is called, an error of law, or a BIG MISTAKE, BUT no other judge after her could get my daughter’s father to provide his financial information either! Again, justice was NEVER done!

This guy, who I affectionately call, The POSTER CHILD for Dead Beat Parents, just kept slipping through the ever-widening gaps of our UNJUST justice system. In 2001, he even told FRO, Family Responsibility Office, the government agency that helps people collect their child support that he was unemployed when they took him to court! Again he never had to prove that either. All he had to do was say it and everyone believed him. Apparently, facts, you know the DNA of our justice system, aren’t required if you say you are hard on your luck! In my opinion, it is abundantly clear that our justice system will believe anything and everything it wants to.

But then someone said something to me the other day. They told me that the LAW is the BOSS of all judges. I thought really? Think again! The people are the boss, not the law! If the law was the boss, I wouldn’t be in this situation. AND my daughter would have had a FAR better standard of LIVING while I was raising her! The law, you know, the supposed BOSS, which was supposed to be UPHELD by the all of those judges beginning on Friday May 17, 1996, didn’t uphold the law! So here is where it gets really interesting! No really BUCKLE UP!!!

If by chance I lose, I may have to PAY ALL of my daughter’s father’s legal costs! YEP! You read that correctly! So not only has he, The POSTER CHILD for DEAD BEAT PARENTS PROFITTED off of my daughter’s BACK to the financial tune of at least $26,000 that I know of, I may have to pay up to, it is estimated, $20,000 for his legal fees, ONLY because I want JUSTICE!!! That means, that even though the courts who are run by judges, the very people who have the LAW as their BOSS, have allowed my daughter’s father to slip through the ever-widening gaps of our justice system by allowing him to profit on her back, the LAW may have me abide by it, even though he NEVER DID!!! I am serious!

Why? Well, apparently family law is like a bag of milk. It has an expiry date! I don’t know about anyone else, but that bag of milk expired A LONG TIME ago and I have a SOUR taste in my mouth! Criminal law doesn’t have that. If you commit a crime like murder, the law will do any and everything in its power to bring justice to the families and society because criminal law wants EVERYONE to know that NO ONE can get away with murder! That’s why they seek justice in cold cases that are over 20 years old!

So there you have it everyone! That is our UNJUST JUSTICE SYSTEM at its finest! A Dead Beat Parent, who has PLAYED our justice system by making HIM the BOSS, may have me paying his legal fees too! My daughter’s father’s blameworthy conduct has already cost my daughter and me, and now it may cost me more than I bargained for.

I hope every taxpayer is happy about that! Our taxpaying dollars are hard at work allowing DEAD BEAT PARENTS to enjoy a lifestyle they are not entitled to as their child’s parents are frustrated at the EXACT system that is supposed to protect them! Thank you province of Ontario! Thank you so very much!

And I would like to thank everyone who reads my blog. I know that my blogs about our justice system and retroactive child support aren’t exactly everyone’s cup of tea. I also know that people are not only reading my blogs but that a growing number of people are talking about them too. I know this because people are talking to me about them and I’m not starting the conversation, they are!

Before I go I would just like to say that I am of the belief that there are still some people out there who can and will make a difference regarding this situation.  As I have said many times before, I am not the first person who is dealing with this, nor will I be the last! If no one puts a stop to Dead beat parents wasting taxpaying dollars, it will only get worse. That is another unvarnished truth! I’m just wondering if TRUE justice will ever be done, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

Here are some links to other blogs that relate to this one,




Thank you for reading A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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