The Funny Thing About Money ;D

Hi Everyone,

Well we are a few days into 2014 and one of the things that everyone thinks about, resolution or not, is money. Everyone wants more of it, has plans for it, and rightly or wrongly plans for how to get more. But does anyone really know money? This is what I mean.

When I was I about 17-18 years of age, one of my favourite talk shows was Geraldo Rivera. Every week day, I’d get a rush from racing home to watch him at 5:00 pm on City TV. It’s been over 27 years ago, but I still remember the feeling. From all of his countless guests, one episode really stuck me.

Geraldo had a panel of super wealthy men. Talk about intriguing. Those men went from rags from riches. Some of them did it a few times over and made more money every time. They were the best guests. Just listening to their stories had me on edge of my seat. I didn’t want to miss a word. I wanted to know how they did it. I wanted to know what they went through. Paupers to multi-millionaires and then back again and again.

The reason I am telling you this is because people don’t get money. Here’s a great example.

While I was hanging out, (we weren’t quite dating) with a guy we were talking about money. Somehow the conversation lead me to say, “People can make over a billion dollars a year.” I said it kind of like, “Pass the salt”. He gave me a curious look. What would I know about money? At the time I was a struggling single mother.  We dropped the subject. I was convinced that I was right. He wasn’t.

The next time we saw each other, he told me he asked the fountain of all knowledge, you know, his friends. They had money, a house in the city I live in, a condo in Toronto and an expensive car. I didn’t. Struggling single mothers couldn’t know about money. Or could they?

According to his friends, it was impossible to make over a billion dollars in just one year. I knew we could never hang out again. He didn’t get it. He was never going to get it. Money, according to him, his friends, didn’t work like that. He believed them. He bought into their mentality. It was one I could not participate in. If that day wasn’t the last day we saw each other it was shortly after.

Weeks later a TV show announced that Carlos Slim had made over 14 billion dollars in one year. I think it was the first time anyone made over a billion dollars in one year too. I smiled to myself. I knew it!

Had I of thought that people could make over a billion dollars a year from watching Geraldo? No that would be naïve. I’ve had the privilege of meeting interesting people who had great stories. Listening, paying attention is so underrated.

The point of today’s blog is this. If 2014 doesn’t start off the way you would like, hang in there. Hell, even if the last few years have been the worst, don’t give up. Keep at it. Follow your dreams. Believe in yourself. Finance without faith is all for naught! Besides if they could do it, why couldn’t you? Think about that. I am serious. Everyone has potential. And that is my next point.

An old friend told me about her upbringing. It wasn’t one of luxury. But her mother knew that there was something in her second husband. She encouraged him. My old friend and all of her children have been flying first class all over the world for decades on her step-father’s dime.

Money is just a matter of being creative. There is more I can say about money, but that is for another blog.  ;D

Here are some links that relate to other blogs,  (this one has a few links)  (this one has one link)  (this one has a few links)

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D


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