“The State of….”

Hi Everyone,

I had another blog in mind for today but decided it just wasn’t fun enough so here is one that is on the lighter side but says a lot. There are two sayings that both start with, “The State of…” Here’s the first one.

One day last week I was watching Dr. Oz and the first part of the show revolved around sleep. Since I’ve been sleeping poorly lately, it was important for me to watch. The guest said that, “The state of your bed is the state of your head.” I take my bed very seriously because I take my bedroom seriously. If my bedroom is a mess, my mind is too. I make my bed every day. If I look at my bed and it doesn’t look right, I’ll remake it. It makes me feel better. I love my bed and my bedroom. Every other room in my apartment can look like a bomb went off, but if my bedroom is a mess, I’m done. I can’t think.

Now I have known a woman who has a great mattress, the best bedding money can buy and she makes her bed, but her life is a train wreck. This is where the second saying comes in. It is, “The state of a woman’s handbag is the state of her mind.” That woman lost her handbag a few times a day. When she did find it, she couldn’t find her wallet, keys, cigarettes or a combination of the above. The scary part was that her handbag was relatively small. If she organized her handbag she should still be able to find everything but she never could. Her mind was a mess! That’s why she couldn’t find anything in her handbag and why her life was a train wreck.

Compared to her handbag, mine is huge. Interestingly, I can find everything in it at any given time. I also know where it is at all the times too. (Although I will admit, there were two days when I forgot my wallet at home. That was when I was in survival mode; I mentioned this in yesterday’s blog. Here’s the link, http://arebelsrant.com/say-hey-2-d/ ) When I told my daughter the saying, “The state of a woman’s handbag, is the state of her mind,” I asked her what the state of her handbag was. She said showed me the inside of it and it was perfectly organized, as it should be.  ;D

Do those two sayings say a lot about people? I believe they do. That is my opinion, maybe yours is different. If you disagree, then look around. Carefully observe the people in your life. The state of their mind will appear in their behaviour. If they aren’t organized, chances are pretty good that their mind isn’t either.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D


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