“The Work”

Hi Everyone,

Reading has always been one of my favourite pastimes. I will read any and everything, although I will admit that my preference is non-fiction. As long as the book intrigues me, I’ll buy it and eventually read it. Some of the books in my bookcases have interesting titles and covers that tend to shock people. What they don’t recognize is that I am interested in the content and not how others will react to my choice in books. This is what I mean.

One day as I was reading Jenny McCarthy’s book, Love, Lust and Faking It, with the subtitle, The Naked Truth About Sex, Lies, And True Romance, someone in my apartment, stared at the cover and then the title. It didn’t take much for me to wonder what they were thinking, but I let it go because I really don’t care what other people think. I am serious. I don’t. There is some great information in Jenny’s book. The first is, The Work.

For anyone who doesn’t know, The Work, is all about self-examination. It is about questioning our emotions, which come from our thoughts and how our unexamined, thereby misunderstood thoughts cause us suffering. Unfortunately, when we chose to suffer, we also chose to remain stuck in unfavorable circumstances, when if not addressed, will have us spiraling downward. Here is the link to, The Work,


If you decide to go to the website, I would suggest watching a few videos. The reason for this is you will see just how people chose to suffer because of their belief systems and how others suffer because someone else’s belief system is forced upon them. A good example of this is the prison video. Here is the link to the video which is only 4:11 minutes in length, but is a real eye-opener. http://www.thework.com/watch.php?cat=watch&yid=K_k6sfCJtwY

What I found interesting about, The Work, is that I have been practicing most of it for years but didn’t know it. Not only can I see where I still need, The Work, I can also see where some people are stuck. The thing is, you can’t help people who don’t want to be helped. Some people really love to be in their misery. It gets them the attention they crave and some people really enjoy filling that emotional void for them because they have an emotional void themselves. If you went to the website and watched some of the videos you would know what I mean.

Self-examination is not an easy thing to do. If you want to ease into, The Work, I have two suggestions. The first  is to watch more videos on the website. The second is, to watch, Iylana: Fix My Life. I’ve watched it a few times and the one thing that I’ve noticed is that in the opening credits, Iylana says, “I’ve done my work.” Does that mean that Iylana has done, The Work? The subject of this blog? I believe so. If you think The Work, will help you help yourself, watch the videos, read some of Byron Katie’s books and watch Iylana: Fix My Life. It is on the OWN channel on Monday nights at 8 pm.

If you think, thereby believe that you are perfect, and the rest of the world needs to do, The Work, you are delusional. I am serious. And I would seriously refrain from being in the company of people who will bring you down as you begin to lift yourself up. Why waste your time and energy on people who don’t care about themselves enough to do The Work and to care about you? Exactly!

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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