When Did THIS Start? ;D

Hi Everyone,

For the last few days, I’ve been trying to remember when I started to feel differently. Since nothing happens overnight, the closest I can estimate is that things started really changing in mid-January. This is what I mean.

Every day I am becoming happier by the moment. I have laughed so much this year. Poking fun at myself is funnier than I remember. Okay sometimes it is nice to poke fun at others too, but most of my laughs are at my expense because I initiate the jokes. I also feel lighter. And no, I haven’t lost any weight or cut any of my curly hair.  ;D

Things that would normally bother me simply don’t. I am so calm and peaceful that it is almost eerie. I mean, even when it seems like the whole world is crashing down around me, I just keep both of my feet planted firmly on the ground KNOWING that everything is going to work out. Why? Because everything works out for me, always has and always will.

So why the change? I have no idea. But I am happy that I feel this way. AND I started feeling this way before I began speaking with my favourite ex-man friend, (it’s hard for me to call him an ex-boyfriend when he is and always has been a man). Naturally he makes me very happy. It’s nice to know that some things remain the same. He was a little surprised to hear about this change, though.

I have noticed that I am drinking less coffee. This is not intentional by the way. I LOVED coffee so much that I have a variety of lattes, espresso, instant, and ground coffee on hand at all times. So why do I have to remind myself to drink coffee in the morning is still a mystery. This is especially true since I couldn’t even function any morning for less than 2 minutes without a coffee. 

Since everything is going well, my thinking is, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” So I am just going to ride this and any other positive change for as long as it lasts.

Is this a rant? It is if you’re not as happy as I am!

Happy Easter! And

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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