Why We Should Care More About Water–2

Hi Everyone,

Since all us of need water to survive and we use water every day, today’s blog is an extension of a blog that I posted on January 30, 2013. For anyone who hasn’t read that blog here’s the link, http://arebelsrant.com/why-we-should-care-more-about-water/ If you have a concern about water, it has some great links to YouTube videos.

Today’s blog has two links to an interview with Charles Fishman. He is the author of, The Big Thirst and his book is about our water supply and its uses.

Here is the first link of that interview and it is 24:32 minutes in length,


Here is the second link of that interview and it is 24:16 minutes in length,


One thing that Charles Fishman states is that a water supply is locally dependent. That means that each city or geographical area controls how much clean water it will have, today and in the future. Now I don’t know what the city you live in is doing about your water supply, and quality of it, but I know what my city is doing. This is what I mean.

As I was out and about yesterday I saw a truck sitting at the side of the road with a thick grey hose coming out of it. The hose was placed into a small hole which is normally covered. There were pylons surrounding the perimeter of the “area.” A man was sitting on a chair and watching the hose. Curious, I asked him, “Are you siphoning something from the ground into the truck?” He said he was and it was water. This is why.

Years ago, the building that I was standing in front of and the surrounding area once had a factory on it. When the property was sold, the city dug up and removed 40-50 feet of soil, or until they hit clay, to rid it of any toxins that may or may not have spoiled the ground water what would eventually flow into Lake Ontario. Then the city put in what is called an impermeable wall from the clay to the surface of the ground I was standing on. That wall is about 40-50 feet in height, or to wherever the clay starts to the surface. For anyone who doesn’t already know, an impermeable wall stops ground water from flowing, thereby containing it, or stopping it, which is why the man was sitting there, and siphoning water.

Now on the other side of that impermeable wall is a monitoring well. That is where the city tests the water quality by injecting an oxidizer and other chemicals into. The water is checked four times a year, yet the city only siphons water three times a year. It takes about two to three weeks to properly siphon water from all the wells surrounding the perimeter of the building. The level of moisture like rain or snow an area receives dictates how many times a year this is done.

I was glad to hear that my city is taking precautions with our current and future water supply. All of our water comes from Lake ontario. Does that now make you want to know what your city is doing with yours? If I were you, I’d be wondering.

Water is a valuable natural resource that a lot of us take for granted. Please keep that in mind. Every drop counts.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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