Are You Ready For Valentine’s Day? ;D

Hi Everyone,

With only a few days before Valentine’s Day, I would like to share some things that I KNOW work to make every day, including Valentine’s Day, better.   ;D

Here are some suggestions of ways to increase your libido…

1) Eat a table spoon of raw, unsalted pumpkin seeds everyday because they are high in zinc. It is VERY good for all of us. ;D Store them in the fridge for no longer than 2 months. The darker the green the pumpkin seed, the better. If the pumpkin seeds are becoming a lighter shade of green, than have some more.

2) Cut out junk food. If you can’t cut it out, then cut back. I rarely eat junk food.  

3) Cut out or cut back on sugar because sugar burns all the Vitamin B during the metabolic process. Vitamin B is very important because it keeps the nervous system in good check, relaxes us and that makes us sensual. And the best thing about Vitamin B is that it is water soluble so it only stays in your body if your body needs it.

Since my yearly physical, I have been getting a B12 shot every month and have noticed a huge difference!

4) Alcohol strips the body of all B Vitamins. So if you had a good or great weekend, grab some Vitamin B to replenish your system. I would suggest that you speak to a doctor or pharmacist before just buying anything. If you had an especially good or great weekend, you still have time to rejuvenate yourself. ;D

5) Drink lots of water. (This should be self-explanatory)

6) A daily dose of Vitamin C or lots of orange juice will keep you healthy and happy. This is especially true if you smoke. Vitamin C is also water soluble.

7) Eat well. Healthy food leads to a healthy sex drive which leads to…    😀

8) Cut back on coffee, energy drinks or anything that has caffeine in it. Caffeine restricts your blood flow for both women and men!

9) Cut back or quit smoking because it too restricts your blood flow.

10) Exercise! It gets your blood flowing, increases your happiness and that increases your libido!

Everything starts and stops in our brain so…

1) Do all or some of the above.

2) Learn about physiology. Watch the interview from Tuesday February 5, 2013, titled, Allan Gregg In Conversation. And GET the book, Vagina: A Biography, by Naomi Wolf. Here is the link,

2) Learn as much as you can about, The 5 Love Languages, by Gary Chapman. His book has been on the New York Times Best Seller list 283 times! Enough said.  If you don’t know what I mean, here is the link to that blog,

3) Does your present or future significant other want flowers for Valentine’s Day? If so, do they want roses? I don’t want roses but I want LOTS of flowers. If they don’t want flowers at all, do you know what they want? (This only works if they know what they want, unfortunately most people don’t.) Have you told them what you want? Do you know what you want?

4) Use your imagination! Mommy Porn really?  Something is wrong! Men and women should be using their imaginations! That is what our brains are for! I have one book that I’ve had for over 20 years that could be classified as Mommy Porn. That’s it. And I haven’t gone anywhere near it for years!

5) CALL your present or future significant other. Pick up the phone, and CALL them! Texts or emails in the first days of getting to know someone just don’t cut it. Even if you have been with someone for a long time, CALL them.

Texts or emails are like saying, “I like or care about you, just not enough to call you. Calling is just too much effort and I am not sure you are worth it.” Hearing a voice is personal. Texts or emails aren’t. Just saying. (Here’s a link to a blog about that,  )

6) If you need to speak to someone about your present or future relationship, speak with someone you know very well and who is in a good or great relationship for 18 months or longer.

Speaking to someone who is a serial dater or has had a series of crappy relationships is a recipe for disaster. If they don’t know what they are doing in their life regarding relationships, how are they going to help you?

AND some people don’t want your relationships to work out because who would entertain them if you are gone?

In my opinion, the less people know about a relationship the better. You are not having a relationship with other people you are having a relationship with the person you are having a relationship with, even if you hit a rough patch.

When other people are involved, the relationship gets twisted at best. At worst it gets bent completely out of shape until it is unrecognizable and that is never good for a relationship, present or future. Listen to your own heart and head. Think about that. (Here’s a link to a blog about the law of attraction,

Relationships aren’t difficult. People choose to make relationships difficult. But then what do I know?  ;D

Is this a rant? I’ll let you decide.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D


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