“I Just Keep Talking.”

Hi Everyone,

So the last few months have been interesting and stressful, which for the last few years has been a bit out of the ordinary for me. I am not exactly happy about what has been going on, but I have learned a lot. One thing that I’ve learned is to keep talking. This is what I mean.

In the last few months, I’ve been kicked out of offices, been stuck in offices where NO ONE who worked there wanted to help me, and I’ve actually figured out a way to stay in some offices to get the help I need. And to tell you the truth, I am of the opinion that I now know more than some of the people working in those offices! Since all of these offices are varying levels of government, you can just imagine how much fun one, never mind a combination of those offices would be in one day and for more than one day per week! Good times.

In one office, I DESPERATLEY needed one piece of information that would make a world of difference in my life. Since the employee didn’t want to help me help myself, I just kept talking. I talked, and talked and I talked. “Would you please help me because I really need this information?” That sentence was followed by another similar sentence, and that similar sentence was followed by another similar sentence. I just kept repeating those sentences until someone who DIDN’T work there, must have gotten so sick of (unwillingly) listening to me, that she asked me one question and gave me the solution I was seeking in less than a minute! Had I of stopped talking, NO ONE would have helped me and it would have been game over!

Since that worked I applied that to the other offices I needed to get information from. One woman wanted to “push” me out of her office, but I just kept talking. At that stage of what I have been forced to learn, I had some pretty good lingo and some COLD HARD FACTS!!! Anytime someone tries to argue the facts with me, I just keep telling them more facts until they recognize that there is nothing they can do. I got to stay in that office for another 20 minutes and she did help me.

If I need an answer from any arm of the government and they don’t give me one, I just keep calling and talking to people until I get the answer I am looking for. If I am speaking with someone I trust, I do the same thing. Not only do I just keep talking, I also tell them what I have accomplished as I tell them, “I just keep talking.” I’ve gotten some very interesting and very helpful information that way. Anytime I think someone could help me, but isn’t sure if they should or not, I just keep talking. BUT, before I open my mouth, I break things down into their lowest form so they understand EXACTLY what I mean so they can help me help myself. In fact, my breaking things down into their lowest form, has gotten me A LOT of help. Help that I will share with all of the readers in coming days.

Anytime I am at a loss, I just keep talking. The caveat to that is I have to know what I am taking about. If I don’t know what I am talking about, I could and probably should look like an idiot. If I don’t know what information I need, then I can’t talk anyone into giving me even a sliver of information, but I can count on them to give me a hard time! So my suggestion to anyone who is reading is, get some cold hard facts under your belt, figure out what information you need, and get at it. It probably won’t be fun, but if I can do, so can you!

Here are some links to past blogs,

Dealing With Governments! http://arebelsrant.com/dealing-with-governments/

Being Independent, http://arebelsrant.com/being-independent/

Does Anyone Actually Talk Any More? http://arebelsrant.com/does-anyone-actually-talk-any-more/

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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