Is There A Price For Being Considerate?

Hi Everyone,

If I see someone standing in line and they are wearing a uniform or look like they’re in a hurry, I’ll let them go ahead of me. My thinking is they’re either on their way to work, on lunch, on break or just finished work and probably need to get to wherever they’re going faster than me. I do this for people with children too. This is especially true when the child or children are getting fussy.

When I sit outside I move my lawn chair as far away from the other apartments as possible. I do this because I sit outside for hours and smoke cigarettes. Since the majority of the people who live in this apartment building don’t smoke and have their windows open because of our good to great weather lately, the smoke from my cigarettes will go into their apartments if I sit too close.

I know this because I can smell smoke coming from my neighbours when I am sitting inside and have my windows open. I don’t like that and I am smoker. I can’t imagine the non-smokers like my cigarette smoke going into their apartments either.

Those are some of the ways that I try to be considerate to people. But as we all know, some people can take our being considerate to a WHOLE new level. When this happens to me, I don’t like it one bit!

I, like most people, stop being considerate immediately. Why? Well, I am human and I have feelings. At the time, I felt (and still feel) that when people decide to take my being considerate to a WHOLE new level they are taking advantage of my kindness.

More importantly, I HATE DRAMA. If you read my blog titled, The Real Housewives of What? (here’s the link, ) then you would know what I mean. (I also wrote a blog called, Dealing With DRAMA. Here’s the link, )

The cost of my being considerate has been my time when I have to do, “damage control” for things that are beyond stupid! Thankfully I remain as calm as humanly possible when explaining situations. But from then on, anyone who has taken advantage of my being considerate is on his or her own. And that is the price they pay for choosing to take my consideration to a WHOLE new level.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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