Dealing With Disappointment :(

Hi Everyone,

It is easy to get disappointed. It happens to me all the time, sometimes several times a day. People disappoint me. I will read something and be disappointed. Listening to the news can disappoint me when I find out that society lacks a moral compass. The list is endless.

One thing that I know is this. I can’t control what someone else does or all the things that have happened or are happening in my life. And sometimes I don’t always want to know or control everything either. I have to let some or all things go. I can only control how I am going to react to a situation.  

When I discover that I could have done something better or easier weeks or months ago, I am disappointed in myself. The flip-side of that is that I am happy to know that I can (now) do something easier, better. Depending on the circumstance, that can be a small or huge relief. (Here are two links to past blogs. The first is called, What Are You Learning? The second is called, Learn the Lingo Or…Here’s the link, )

Since I am human, I don’t always take my disappointments well. One thing that I do when that happens is remind myself that I am not the only person who has felt this way. Thousands or millions of people before me, and thousands and (hopefully if Earth is still around as we know it) millions of people after me will most likely feel the same or similar disappointment too.  No one is exempt. Disappointment has touched every life at least once, sometimes daily!

After I get over the fact that I hate disappointment, I embrace it. If I don’t, I’ll just continue to go around in what I call, “a stupid little circle of nothingness,” because that is exactly what it is.

So when disappointment enters your life do something to pick yourself up. Then dust yourself off and get on with the business of living your life in the best way you know how.

Life is short, no one is getting any younger and people will help you if you decide to press on. Just for the record, no one likes to hear or be around a broken record, so state your case once if you have to get it out of your system. Then let it go as you go one with your life. Here’s a great example of perseverance.

When Colonel Sanders wanted to get the royalties on his chicken recipe, he approached 1,009 restaurants before someone gave him what he wanted. How many people would like to be rejected 1,008 times? Probably not a lot, but he got what he wanted and now there is a KFC in almost every country. This is ONLY because Colonel Sanders pressed on and knew his worth. If he could it, so can we.

Thank you for reading A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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