King, Prince, and Peasant

Hi Everyone,

One day last week, someone asked me what I was having for dinner. I told them, “Something light, probably a toasted tomato sandwich.” At the time, they didn’t understand why I would eat something for dinner when people normally eat that for breakfast or lunch. After I explained they understood. This is what I mean.

There’s a European saying that goes like this, “Eat like a king for breakfast, a prince for lunch and a peasant for dinner.” Or at least that’s what we say in Hungary. Other European countries also have this saying replacing the word peasant with pauper. And that is the way that every member of my family eats. Or at least that’s the way they used to eat. Now that so many countries want to be North Americanized, who knows what their eating habits are. (Here’s a link to a blog I wrote that refers to eating habits, Does Anyone Walk Anymore, )

But when my daughter and I were living in Europe we ate a HUGE breakfast every morning. For the first few days, I admit it was a bit of culture shock for us. We were accustomed to a North American breakfast which is put to shame when compared to a European breakfast. It is quite the spread!

The reason European’s have a HUGE breakfast is because it’s the most important meal of the day. Food is like fuel to the body, the brain.  We need food to help us function properly in every sense of the word. This is a proven fact, by the way. That’s why Europeans eat like a king for breakfast.

Now the reason they eat like a prince at lunch is because half of the day is, or should be, over. After a HUGE breakfast, people eat just enough to keep them going until dinner, the time they eat like a peasant. Hungarians even call most of the dinner meals, “peasant food.” Cold cuts, some bread, fruits, vegetables or leftovers are some examples. What Europeans have for dinner is the equivalent of what North Americans have for breakfast, if people are eating breakfast to begin with. Their eating habits are the complete opposite of most North Americans.

So do I, a North American, eat like a European? Absolutely! I have to. First thing in the morning I’m starving! In fact, I eat ALL morning. Since I work from home, I take my time with my breakfast, BUT I eat a lot. Anyone could do this. All they would have to do is pack or buy some extra food throughout the day.

Outside of fueling my body and brain, the other upside to this eating habit (because that’s EXACTLY what it is, a habit) is that it helps me sleep. You see, when people go to bed after a big or large meal a few hours after eating, they can’t digest their food properly. That too is a proven fact. That in turn, makes them gain weight because their bodies aren’t as active sleeping as when they’re awake and that also disrupts their sleep. And well, since everyone complains about not having or not having enough sex, there’s one less activity a lot of people are doing between the sheets. (Here’s a link to, “It’s Called GREAT Sex!” )

When people eat the North American way, it’s a lose-lose situation. BUT, BUT, when they DECIDE to eat the European way, they generally don’t gain weight and sleep better.

So, today is Sunday, just enough time to grab some extra groceries if you need them to give your week a better start. If you decide to eat like a king for breakfast, I would recommend easing into that though. You don’t want to shock your body.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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