My Life Is A Marathon! ;D

Hi Everyone,

As we all well know, things just don’t always work out the way we would like. Our day, lives can seem as if we are literally running our bottom off! An example of this is when Mercury was pre-retrograde. And yes, I did blog about that, here’s the link, .  If that has happened to you, then you would know what I mean. If not, consider yourself lucky! When it does happen to me, I just turn the negative into a positive. This is what I mean.

When things go awry the one thing that has always served me well is the fact that I know panic is never pretty. The only way to calm the chaos is to remain calm. Period. With that said, I will be pretty hit and miss for the next 7-10 days. 

Why? Well, I have A LOT, and I do mean A LOT to do.  Some of the things I need to do are in my control so that’s nice. What’s not so nice is that there are a lot of things out of my control that also NEED, MUST be done. Errrr  ;D

So will I be bogging during this time? I will when I can. There are a few blogs that I have been working on, so there will be a blog for Wednesday. What the following days hold are unknown. EVERYTHING is currently up in the air. Thankfully, I know enough to remain calm.  ;D

Calming the chaos requires not only a cool head, but a sharp one! Anytime my life is a marathon, I always double-check everything, sometimes more than once. If one thing goes wrong, everything else starts to fall apart. I always think of it like strategically placed dominoes. If one falls they all fall. That’s why I turn the negative of my life being a marathon into a game, or a race.

When time is tight, I literally run around with my cell phone checking the time every ten minutes or so. My to-do list is always handy and so is a pen so I can cross off whatever I just completed. I also take notes for the other parts of my day, week, life.

Unfortunately, this week will be a lot more challenging than most. This week, my life is a marathon! I will be very busy! Good thing I am up for it though! I had a great long weekend with lots of R&R, (rest and relaxation), I hope everyone reading did too!

Thank you for reading A. Rebel’s Rant and I hope your week is more relaxing than mine! ;D

P.S. When I say busy, I mean busy, not the male translation. If you don’t know what I mean, here’s a link to a blog that will explain that,

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