The Wise Man

Hi Everyone,

You know when you first meet someone, and you know that the person you met is going to change your life, in ways you never thought of. Well, that is what someone, who I have referred to before in blogs as The Wise Man has done for me. This is what I mean.

When I first met The Wise Man, we had a very interesting conversation over a pot of coffee and almost a package of cigarettes each. He was, (and still is) very different than anyone I had met. Not only did he command respect, he got it! He’s a, “walk softly but carry a bit stick,” man.

I have kept in touch with The Wise Man after our first meeting. He has been a constant in my life. I haven’t seen him for years, and there are years when we don’t even speak. I do however email him on his birthday and when I am seeking a solution aka, have a problem. The reason I email him when I am seeking a solution, is because over the years, he has given me the best advice that has not only changed my life, but has shaped me into whom I am today and who I will be in the (near) future.

Does he always want to help me help myself? I’m not sure, but he does and for that I am grateful. The best advice he ever gave me, in varying tones I might add, was, “Do it yourself.” Naturally, as a woman, I like the softer, kinder version, but regardless, the words, “Do it yourself,” have served me well!

Another piece of advice was when we were discussing Malthus. For anyone who doesn’t already know, Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834) was an English clergyman and an economist who lived in England during the Industrial Revolution. He stated that the poor should not receive help of any kind as helping the poor was, “cruelty in disguise,” yet Malthus was in favour of helping what he called the, “deserving poor.” People who through no fault of their own, had a calamity take place in their lives, which had set them back, yet with aid, would get back on the financial feet.

At the time, I disagreed with The Wise Man when he defended Malthus, but he had some valid points. The facts and his ability to explain Malthus’s theory changed my mind and gave me a new perspective on thinking that has also served me well.

So who is The Wise Man? I consider him to be a life coach, or at least guide. Over the years, he has helped me make some very interesting and important life altering decisions. And that is the point of today’s blog. Be open to people, ideas, and have conversations. You never know who you will meet and how that one or more person will change your life forever.

If The Wise Man is reading this, yet is unsure of who he is here are a few clues. I called you during a huge snowstorm. When you answered the telephone I said, “Oh thank God you are at home.” You sent me pictures via email when you left the country. Anytime you sound cranky I ask when was the last time you played golf, had a nap or I tell you to play golf and have a nap. It sounded like you were surprised that I accurately converted Euros to American dollars within seconds when you were looking a big ticket item. I figured out why you named your pet the name you did. I could go on but dinner is ready. Thank you for helping me help myself. I have always really appreciated your help.

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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