Think Again!

Hi Everyone,

One day last week, I was watching Katie Couric and she was interviewing Judge Judy. I love Judge Judy! She has been telling it like it is before she had her TV show, Judge Judy. It has been on TV for over 17 years and it has been renewed again until 2017. She’ll also have three books coming out later this year. (Here is a link to my January 2, 2013 blog, titled, Judge Judy,

When Katie asked Judge Judy what she thinks is wrong with society, Judge Judy responded with, “Everyone gets a prize for everything nowadays. You get a trophy for eating pizza the fastest….” And it’s true. Prizes, ribbons and trophies are now handed out to everyone.

Judge Judy also said, “When we were growing up, the only time anyone got praise or a prize for something was when they actually did something right or well.” That’s how it was when I was growing up. I remember that. Most of us do.

During my school’s annual Play-Day, the only people who got ribbons were the children who actually earned them. There were ribbons for first, second and third places, and each was defined by a different colour. That no longer happens. Now everyone gets a ribbon, even if they have been sitting on the side-lines all day doing nothing more than breathing! Unfortunately that sends a dual message. 

The first is that it’s okay for people not to try or to work at anything because they’ll be rewarded anyway. In my opinion that’s NO REASON for a ribbon, to be rewarded, or given a pat on the back etc. Everyone should try to try to do something and work towards something. If you fail, you just learned what you’re not good at. After that, the person should then decide if it is worth their time and effort to try the same thing again, or something else.

The second message is telling the people who have actually tried something, and worked hard to achieve something that their achievements, no matter how big their obstacles, aren’t really that great. Of course there are a few exceptions to this, but there are only a few.

The other down-side to this is that because no one wants their child to be excluded or made to feel bad, the ones who didn’t try or worked hard at something are given a lot of attention. I get that. I am a parent. But really?

So if anyone thinks that they should be given a ribbon, rewarded or get a pat on the back just for being alive, I’m here to tell you, THINK AGAIN! If you’re just going to sit on the side-lines of life and expect to be rewarded for doing nothing, then expect to be disappointed!

If you or anyone you know needs help, Dealing with Disappointment, I have a blog for that. Here’s the link to yesterday’s blog,

And if anyone wants to get Harlan Ellison’s point of view, here’s a link for a past blog,

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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