“All Roads Lead To Rome”

Hi Everyone,

One thing that keeps me sane is just knowing that the saying, “All roads lead to Rome,” is true. For anyone who doesn’t know what that saying means, here’s my interpretation. This is what I mean.

The saying, “All roads lead to Rome,” to me means that everything that we do, learn, or go through will eventually lead or take us to where we need to go. Now I have heard this saying before and I read it in Bethenny Frankel’s called, A Place of Yes, with the subtitle, 10 Rules for Getting Everything you Want Out of Life. I have mentioned this book in my blog titled, Bethenny—The Talk Show, here’s the link, http://arebelsrant.com/bethenny-the-talk-show/ .

The other way to express this saying is with another saying which is, “Everything happens for a reason.” Now a lot of people don’t relate to either saying, but I have to tell you that I do. Everything that I have I have willingly and unwillingly learned has helped me get to where I need to go in my life. And if you decide to read Bethenny’s book, A Place of Yes, you will see just how everything that Bethenny went through, her positive attitude, and the connections that she made, has made her who she is today.

Most of Bethenny’s success came from her past conversations, which in turn became her connections from people who saw something in her. That something was, and still is, potential. But here’s the thing. We all have potential, and we all have the ability to make connections. The rub is that we have to be open to what is around us and we have to pay attention to ourselves and those around us. Most of us aren’t! A lot of us just go through our day with blinders on. That is the biggest mistake and, in my opinion, the biggest disservice we could do to ourselves and those that we say we love or care about.

So here is your wake up call to ask questions of others, and yourself. Question everything BUT be open to everything in the process too! And more importantly, try to say positive even when your world is crumbling around you. Because everything that we do, learn or go through, really will take us to where we need to go, all we have to do is believe.

Here are some other links to past blogs,

Past Conversations, http://arebelsrant.com/past-conversations/

Never Complain. Never Explain. http://arebelsrant.com/never-complain-never-explain/

Being Independent, http://arebelsrant.com/being-independent/

How Do You Deal With Life, http://arebelsrant.com/how-do-you-deal-with-life/

Do You Listen To Yourself—2, http://arebelsrant.com/do-you-listen-to-yourself-2

Harlan Ellison, http://arebelsrant.com/harlan-ellison-dark-dreamers-part-3-my-thoughts

Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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