“A False Sense of Responsibility”

Hi Everyone,

Today’s blog is a bit of yesterday’s and leads into tomorrows. And then there is always that lack of sugar, spice and all things nice. Here’s today’s blog.

Yesterday’s blog was about drama and why we should avoid it. (The link is at the bottom.) Now the one thing that we always have to remember is that when people want to drag us into their drama, they will try to use what is called, “a false sense of responsibility.” It takes many forms. One could be the guilt trip. The other may be a sense of urgency that “things” (in their life) need to get done. Both involve their tone of voice, facial expressions, and at least one more person. They really have to put effort into it. First they have to figure out how to approach us. Then they have to recruit their best ally. This comes in handy because if we decide to turn them down, then at least they’ll have one other person who they can bitch with. And possibly help them divide who else they want to bitch to as they spread the word.

Some people really want to get things done. Think of being at work. Someone wants to get something done and it doesn’t fit into your schedule, or it would cut into the other things you had planned like eating lunch. Never one to say no, because you take your responsibilities very seriously, they thought they’d try their luck. And guess what? Your lunch is now consumed with them and their issue and crap food at best, or nothing at worse. You have allowed your needs to be overridden by theirs. Whatever it was that needed to get done, got done at your expense. They still had lunch. Whatever it was could have waited. And it would have had you of said no. It’s really that simple. The world as we know it was not going to end. The two above examples are rather harmless. The next one isn’t.

This one kills me because it is the most damaging, causes the most drama, and eventually backfires on people all the time. This one is the best way to cause you the most problems in the least amount of time. But no one ever chooses to recognize what they are doing. Maybe they have a few screws loose and need their head read, maybe they are insecure, or maybe they believe they have such a strong false sense of responsibility that they’ll do anything than do what is right. This false sense of responsibility revolves around loyalty.

For whatever reason, people believe that they have to be loyal to people in their society of two or more people. Even when that person isn’t worth being loyal to or being loyal involves lying and/or breaking the law some people still decide to be loyal. As I used to tell my daughter, “Everyone’s an example, even if they are a bad one.” This is what I mean. For anyone who is new to my blog, I am of the strong opinion, that my daughter’s paternal grandparents and other members of that family lied to me and others about their knowledge of my daughter’s father’s income, where he lived, if and when he had a job all because they wanted him to financially protect him from fully disclosing his income for child support reasons, at the expense of their first granddaughter or niece. Remember the above is only my opinion and I am always legally allowed to have one. I am also going to add that facts don’t lie.  Loyalty, in my experience, is the most damaging form of, “a false sense of responsibility,” ever!

I am of the strong belief that when someone has to resort to lying and/or breaking the law to “protect” someone at the expense of someone else, there is something seriously wrong with their moral compass. Anyone who has a moral compass and a minute understanding of the human condition considers society as a whole. You know other people and not just their society of two or more people! Those people do what society as a whole considers right, moral!

If your life is not in danger, like literally having a fully loaded gun pointed directly at your head, or a sharp blade at a major artery, be honest. I am serious. Think about that. Think about how your chosen actions affect other people. It’s no mystery to me why our once value-laden society has taken a turn a worse. And yes, my stomach is still turning over what I strongly believe to be that family’s behaviour. But like I’ve said in my blog titled, The Unvarnished Truth, “If you won’t say shit when your mouth is full of it, you’re full of fucking shit!” In my experience, water has a way of finding its level, even when it’s polluted and layered in scum. I am of the opinion that the term generational conditioning was created for a reason. Elders make good and bad decisions all the time. What do you want your family to be known for? A false sense of responsibility is far more than people want to believe. Loyalty should be to society as a whole! On a side note: If I wasn’t one to pay attention, I’d warm some pews while in church.

Here are some links that relate to this blog,


http://arebelsrant.com/the-unvarnished-truth/ (this one has two links.)






http://arebelsrant.com/grandparents-raising-their-grandchildren/ (this one has a lot of links and some are repeats of the links I have added to this blog.)

http://arebelsrant.com/do-you-know-what-youre-signing-up-for/  (this one has five links.)



http://arebelsrant.com/do-you-know-a-little-boy/ (this one has four links.)


Thank you for reading, A. Rebel’s Rant! ;D

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